Drazen Draskovic, PhD Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies,
School of Electrical Engineering,
University of Belgrade
Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, Belgrade, Serbia
Biographical information
- Born in Belgrade. Educated in Belgrade.
B.Sc. in Software Engineering (2009), School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade.
M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2011), School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade.
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2018) - Software Engineering / Artificial Intelligence,
School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade
Work information
- Teaching at the University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering.
- Research in computer science.
Fields: expert systems and artificial intelligence, software engineering and software testing, data mining and data analytics.
- Author and co-authored peer-reviewed international journals and conference publications.
- Participation in many software development projects, as a software architect, software developer and tester on projects with industry, international organizations, public and private sectors.
Industrial experience since 2007, more than 80 projects.
- Consulting, development of information systems and software project management.
- Active member of professional organizations IEEE, ACM and Informatics Association of Serbia.
- Expert-associate at the largest IT magazine in Serbia, PC Press.
- Introduction to Computing (BSc)
- Intelligent Systems (BSc)
- Principles of Software Engineering (BSc)
- Software Testing (BSc)
- Software Project Management (BSc)
- Internet programming (BSc)
- Programming Web applications (BSc)
- Data Mining and Machine Learning (MSc)
- Web systems and technologies (MSc)
- Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (PhD)
- Advanced machine learning algorithms (PhD)
- Programming languages: Pascal, Delphi, C, C++, Java, Kotlin, C#, Python, 80x86 Assembler
- Web programming: HTML(HTML5), XHTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, Ajax, Java Servlets, JSF, Hibernate, Spring/SpringBoot, PHP (Codeigniter, Laravel, Symfony), TypeScript, Angular, ExpressJS, NodeJS, React
- Computer networks (Network protocols, Mechanisms of bridging, routing, switching, routing algorithms)
- Testing software (Rational Robot, Selenium, JUnit, TestNG, Code Coverage, Katalon, JMeter, Cypress and other tools)
- Software designing (UML, Design Patterns)
- Software project management (Microsoft Project, Jira, Prince2, CMMI)
- Databases and Information Systems (MySQL, PostrgreSQL, Microsoft SQL, MongoDB, Redis, ERD, ORM, BPMN, BPEL)
- Data Science and Data Engineering
- Machine Learning with applications
Licenses & certifications
Native Serbian, fluent in English and conversational German.