Life summary, books in English published in the USA:
4 single author original books, 2 co-authored original books, 8 single editor edited books, 20 co-editor edited books
Life summary, books in Serbian published in Belgrade:
2 single author books and 2 co-authored books
Original books after 2010
- Milutinovic V. et al,
"DataFlow Supercomputing Essentials: Algorithms, Applications, and Implementations,"
Springer 2017
- Milutinovic V. et al,
"DataFlow Supercomputing Essentials: Research, Development, and Education,"
Springer 2017
- Rakocevic, G., Djukic, T., Filipovic, N., Milutinović, V.,
"Computational Medicine in Data Mining and Modeling,"
Springer 2017
- Milutinovic, V., Salom, J.,
"The Guide To MindGenomics,"
Springer, 2016.
- Milutinovic, V., Salom, J., Trifunovic, N., Giorgi, R.,
"Guide to DataFlow SuperComputing,"
Springer, 2015.
Edited books after 2010, on the SCI list
- Hurson, A., Milutinovic, V.,
"Dataflow Processing, Part 1," Elsevier, 2015.
- Hurson, A., Milutinovic, V., editors,
"DataFlow Processing: Part 2,"
Elsevier, 2016 (in production, unconditionally accepted).
Edited books after 2010
- Gavrilovska, L.; Krco, S.; Milutinovic, V.; Stojmenovic, I.; Trobec, R., (eds.), "Application and Multidisciplinary Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks,"
Concepts, Integration, and Case Studies, Computer Communications and Networks, 1st Edition., 282 p., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-84996-509-5, 2011.
- Rakocevic, G., Dukic, T., Filipovic, N., Milutinovic, V., "Computational Medicine in DataMining and Modelling," Springer, 2013.
- Despotovic-Zrakic, M., Milutinovic, V., Belic, A., (eds.),
"High Performance and Cloud Computing in Scientific Research and Education,"
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 2014.
- Filipovic, N. (Program Chair), Milutinovic, V., (General Chair), "Proceedings of the IEEE BIBE 2015," Belgrade, Serbia, October 2015.
- Gavrilovska Lj., Krco S., Milutinovic, V., et al
"Application and Multidisciplinary Aspects of Wirless Sensor Networks,"
Springer, 2009.
Original textbooks in English till 2010
Milutinovic, V., "Surviving the Design of a 200 MHz RISC Microprocessor:
Lessons Learned,"
IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos,
California, USA, 1997.
AVAILABLE (click here to download a PKZip'ed Winword97 file)
Milutinovic, V., "Microprocessor and Multimicroprocessor Systems,"
Copyright by Wiley, 2000
Milutinovic, V., "Infrastructure for E-Business on the Internet," Copyright by Kluwer, 2001
Milutinovic, V., "R&D Methodology," Copyright by Milutinovic, 2016 (in preparation).
Edited monographs till 2010
- Milutinovic, V., (editor), "Computer Architecture: Concepts and Systems,"
North-Holland, New York, 1988. Foreword: K.Wilson (Cornell), Nobel
Laureate, 566 pages.
- Milutinovic, V., (editor), "High-Level Language Computer Architecture,"
Freeman Computer Science Press, Rockville, Maryland, 1989. Foreword: M.Flynn
(Stanford), Turing laureate, 474 pages.
- Milutinovic, V., (editor), "Microprocessor Design for GaAs Technology,"
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1990. Foreword: B. Naused
(DARPA), 330 pages.
- Milutinovic, V., (editor), "Principles of Microprogramming,"
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1992. Foreword: M. Wilkes
(Cambridge), Turing laureate, 297 pages.
- Antognetti, P., Milutinovic, V., (editors, four volume series), "Neural
Networks," Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1992. Foreword: L.
Cooper (Brown), Nobel Laureate, total 1207 pages.
- Chin, W., Patricelli, F., Milutinovic, V., (editors), "Electronic Business
and Education: Recent Advances in the Internet Infrastructure ," Kluwer, Norwell,
MA 02061, 2001. Foreword: B. Richardson (Cornell), Nobel
Laureate, total 450 pages.
- Milutinovic, V., Patricelli, F., et al., "E-Business and E-Challenges," Copyright by IOS Press (Italy, USA, Japan,
Holland), 2002. Foreword: Jerome Friedman (MIT), Nobel Laureate, total 1000 pages.
- Milutinovic, V., Horvat, Z., Mihanovic, M., Stefanovic, M., Dingarac. D., Vujovic I., Mitrovic, S., Skundric, N., Pilipovic, J., Milic, B., Milanovic, N., and Patricelli, F. "Mastering E-Business Infrastructure," Copyright by
Kluwer, 2003. Foreword: Herb A. Simon, Nobel
Laureate, total 333 pages.
- I., Vujovic, V. Milutinovic (editors) "Advances in the Internet Technology: Conceptes and Systems,"
Publishers still bidding, 2004.
Foreword: P.-G. de Gennes, Nobel Laureate.
- Skundric, N., Vujovic, I., Stojanovski, A., Milutinovic, D., Milutinovic, V., Neuhold, E., "Selected Topics in Web Programming," 2005.
Foreword: Harold Kroto, Nobel Laureate.
- Milutinovic, V., "Hot Topics in E-Business," Part 1, IPSI, 2006.
- Milutinovic, V., "Hot Topics in E-Business," Part 2, IPSI, 2007.
Edited reprint selections till 2010
- Milutinovic, V. (editor), "Tutorial on Advanced Microprocessors and High-Level Language Computer Architecture," IEEE Press, 1986, 597 pages.
An IEEE Press Best-Seller.
- Gajski, D., Milutinovic, V., Siegel, H., J., Furht, B. (editors), "Tutorial on Computer Architecture," IEEE Press, 1987, 593 pages.
An IEEE Computer Society Press Best-Seller of All Times.
- Milutinovic, V., Fura, D. (editors), "Tutorial on Computer Design of GaAs Technology," IEEE Press, 1988, 354 pages.
- Milutinovic, V., "Tutorial on Microprogramming and Firmware Engineering," IEEE Press, 1989, 410 pages.
- Shriver, B., Milutinovic, V., "Proceedings of the ACM Hawaii International Conferences on System Sciences: Computer Architecture," ACM, 1989.
- Shriver, B., Milutinovic, V., "Proceedings of the ACM Hawaii International Conferences on System Sciences: Computer Architecture," ACM, 1990.
- Hoevel, L., Milutinovic, V., "Proceedings of the ACM Hawaii International Conferences on System Sciences: Computer Architecture," ACM, 1991.
- Tomasevic, M., Milutinovic, V. (editors), "Tutorial on Cache Consistency in Multiprocessor Systems: Hardware Methods," IEEE Press, 1993, 435 pages.
- Tartalja, I., Milutinovic, V. (editors), "Tutorial on Cache Consistency in Multiprocessor Systems: Software Methods," IEEE Press, 1997, 390 pages.
- Protic, J., Tomasevic, M., Milutinovic, V. (editors), "Tutorial on Distributed Shared Memory," IEEE Press, 1998, 330 pages.
Original textbooks in Serbian till 2010
- Milutinovic, V., "Projektovanje telekomunikacionih uredjaja pomocu mikroprocesora", Institute Michael Pupin, Beograd, Srbija, Jugoslavija, 1978., 258 pages.
Updated version published (in Polish) by Institute of Mathematical Machines, Warsaw, Poland, 1980 [Publication number: BI 1-60-80].
Abstract version published (in Russian) by Institute of Mathematical Machines, Warsaw, Poland, 1984.
Abstract version with
epilog published (in English) by Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 1988 [Technical report: PU EE-86-29].
Abstract Version with epilog and problems Published (in Albanian) by Shkodra University, Albania, 2016 (in production).
- Milutinovic, M., Nedic, S., Ostojic, M., Paunovic, R., "Uvod u mikroprocesore",
Institute Michael Pupin, Beograd, Srbija, Jugoslavija, 1981., 100 pages.
- Milutinovic, V., "Projektovanje i arhitektura RISC procesora za VLSI",
Nauka, Beograd, Srbija, Jugoslavija, 1994., 168 pages.
- Milutinovic, V., Bozanic, D., Polomcic, D., Aleksic, M., "Uvod u projektovanje racunarskih VLSI sistema", Nauka, Beograd, Srbija, Jugoslavija, 1994., 162 pages.
Original textbooks translated to foreign languages till 2010
Bestseller books of 80's
- Milutinovic, V., editor,
"Computer Architecture,"
(Chapter 9, DataFlow Computation, Dennis, J.,),
North Holland, 1988.
- Milutinovic, V., editor,
"High-Level Language Computer Architecture,"
(Chapter 9, DataFlow Machines, Gaudiot, J.-L.,),
Computer Science Press, 1989.