Multirate Filtering for Digital Signal Processing: MATLAB® Applications, Chapter XI: Filters in Multirate Systems - Exercises


Exercise 11.1

Compute and plot the impulse response, magnitude response, and the pole-zero plot of the single-stage CIC filters G(z) for N = 8, 16, and 32.

g=rectwin(N)/N;                         % CIC filter impulse response
% Recursive representation of the CIC filter
% G(Z)=(1/N)*(1-z^(-N))/(1-z^-1)=(1/N)*B(z)/A(z)
B = [1,zeros(1,N-1),-1];
A = [1,-1];
subplot(3,1,1), stem(0:N-1,g), axis([0,N-1,0,(1+0.5)/N]),
title('CIC Filter, N=8: Impulse Response');
plot(f,20*log10(abs(G))), xlabel('\omega/\pi'),ylabel('Gain, dB'),
title('Magnitude Response');
axis([0,1,-50,0]), grid,
zplane(B,A), title('CIC Filter, N=8: pole-zero plot');

g=rectwin(N)/N;                                 % CIC filter impulse response
% Recursive representation of the CIC filter
% G(Z)=(1/N)*(1-z^(-N))/(1-z^-1)=(1/N)*B(z)/A(z)
B = [1,zeros(1,N-1),-1];
A = [1,-1];
subplot(3,1,1), stem(0:N-1,g), axis([0,N-1,0,(1+0.5)/N]),
title('CIC Filter, N=16: Impulse Response');
plot(f,20*log10(abs(G))), xlabel('\omega/\pi'),ylabel('Gain, dB'),
title('Magnitude Response');
axis([0,1,-50,0]), grid,
zplane(B,A), title('CIC Filter, N=16: pole-zero plot');

g=rectwin(N)/N;                                 % CIC filter impulse response
% Recursive representation of the CIC filter
% G(Z)=(1/N)*(1-z^(-N))/(1-z^-1)=(1/N)*B(z)/A(z)
B = [1,zeros(1,N-1),-1];
A = [1,-1];
subplot(3,1,1), stem(0:N-1,g), axis([0,N-1,0,(1+0.5)/N]),
title('CIC Filter, N=32: Impulse Response');
plot(f,20*log10(abs(G))), xlabel('\omega/\pi'),ylabel('Gain, dB'),
title('Magnitude Response');
axis([0,1,-50,0]), grid,
zplane(B,A), title('CIC Filter, N=32: pole-zero plot');

Exercise 11.2

Compute and plot the impulse response, magnitude response, and the pole-zero plot of the K-stage CIC filters GK(z) for N = 16 and K = 2 and K = 4.

close all, clear all
N=16; K = 2;
g2=conv(rectwin(N)/N,rectwin(N)/N);             % Generating the 2-stage CIC filter impulse response
% Recursive representation of the CIC filter
% G(Z)=(1/N)*(1-z^(-N))/(1-z^-1)=(1/N)*B(z)/A(z)
B = [1,zeros(1,N-1),-1];
B2 = conv(B,B);
A = [1,-1];
A2 = conv(A,A);
subplot(3,1,1), stem(0:(2*N-2),g2), axis([0,2*N-2,0,1/N]),
title('CIC Filter, N=16, K=2: Impulse Response');
plot(f,20*log10(abs(G2))), xlabel('\omega/\pi'),ylabel('Gain, dB'),
title('Magnitude Response');
axis([0,1,-50,0]), grid,
zplane(B2,A2), title('CIC Filter, N=16, K=2: pole-zero plot');

N=16; K = 4;
g4=conv(g2,g2);                                 % Generating the 4-stage CIC filter impulse response
B4 = conv(B2,B2);
A4 = conv(A2,A2);
subplot(3,1,1), stem(0:length(g4)-1,g4), axis([0,length(g4)-1,0,1/N]),
title('CIC Filter, N=16, K=4: Impulse Response');
plot(f,20*log10(abs(G4))), xlabel('\omega/\pi'),ylabel('Gain, dB'),
title('Magnitude Response');
axis([0,1,-100,0]), grid,
zplane(B4,A4), title('CIC Filter, N=16, K=4: pole-zero plot');

Exercise 11.3

Modify specifications of Example 11.1 to design a two-stage factor-of-16 decimator consisting of the CIC-based factor-of-8 decimator in the first stage, and the factor-of-two decimator in the second stage.
Design CIC filter GK(z) and FIR filter T(z).
Display the magnitude responses and the pole-zero plots of GK(z) and T(z).
Display the magnitude response of the single-stage equivalent of the resulting overall decimator.

clear all, close all
% The overall decimation factor M = 16.
% The overall decimation filter H(z) is specified by:
% Passband edge frequency omega_p = 0.03pi,
% Deviations of the passband magnitude response are bounded to ap = +(-)0.15 dB.
% Stopband edge frequency omega_s = pi/M = 0.0625pi
% Requested minimal stopband attenuation as = 50 dB.
N = 8; K = 4;                                   % Setting the design parameters for G(z)
B = ([1,zeros(1,N-1),-1]/N); A = [1,-1];        % CIC filter section G(z) = A(z)/B(z)
[G,f] = freqz(B,A,1024,2);                      % Computing the CIC filter frequency response
GK = G.^K;                                      % Computing the frequency response of G_K(z) = G(z)^K
hold on,
xlabel('\omega/\pi'),ylabel('Gain, dB'),
% FIR filter T(z)
Nord=22;                                        % Filter order for T(z)
Fo = [0,0.25,0.505,1]; Ao = [0.985,1.09,0,0];   % Setting the specifications for T(z)
t = firpm(Nord,Fo,Ao);                          % Computing the coefficients of T(z)
[T,f]=freqz(t,1,1024,2);                        % Computing the frequency response of T(z)
plot(f,20*log10(abs(T))), grid,
xlabel('\omega/\pi'),ylabel('Gain, dB'),
title('Gain response of T(z)'),
tN=upsample(t,N);                               % Computing the coefficients of T(z^N)
[TN,f]=freqz(tN,1,1024,2);                      %  Computing the frequency response of T(z^N)
plot(f,20*log10(abs(TN)),'--',f,20*log10(abs(GK)),'b'), grid,
title('Gain responses of G(z)^4) and T(z^8)'),
% Pole-zero plot of G_K(z) = G(z)^K
title('Pole-zero plot of G(z)^4');
% Pole-zero plot of T(z)
title('Pole-zero plot of T(z)'),
% Computing the frequency response of the single-stage equivalent of the
% two-stage factor-of-16 decimator:
H = TN.*GK;                                     % Computing the frequency response of (G(z)^K)*T(z^N)
plot(f,20*log10(abs(H))), grid,
xlabel('\omega/\pi'),ylabel('Gain, dB'),
title('Gain response of the two-stage factor-of-16 decimator'),
axes('Position',[0.35 0.71 0.45 0.1]);
plot(f(1:54),20*log10(abs(H(1:54)))), axis([0,0.03,-0.2,0.2]),grid;

Exercise 11.4

Consider the polyphase implementation of a CIC filter.
Use equation (11.17a) and MATLAB program of Example 11.2 to compute the coefficients of the FIR transfer function H1(z) for the following parameters:
 (i)   N1 = 4, K = 4;
 (ii)  N1 = 8, K = 3.

close all, clear all
% (i) N1 = 4, K = 4
N1 = 4;
g = rectwin(N1); h1 = 1;
K = 4;
for l = 1:K
    h1 = conv(h1,g);
disp('Coefficients of the filter impulse tesponse')
disp(['h_1: ' num2str(h1')]);                    % Display the coefficients of the filter impulse response h1

% Polyphase components:
e0 = downsample(h1,4);
e1 = downsample(h1,4,1);
e2 = downsample(h1,4,2);
e3 = downsample(h1,4,3);
disp('Coefficients of the polyphase components')
disp(['e_0: ' num2str(e0')]);
disp(['e_1: ' num2str(e1')]);
disp(['e_2: ' num2str(e2')]);
disp(['e_3: ' num2str(e3')]);                    % Display the coefficients of polyphase components e0, e1, e2, e3

% (ii) N1 = 8, K = 3
N1 = 8;
g = rectwin(N1); h1 = 1;
K = 3;
for l = 1:K
    h1 = conv(h1,g);
disp(' ')
disp('Coefficients of the filter impulse tesponse')
disp(['h_1: ' num2str(h1')]);                    % Display the coefficients of the filter impulse response h1

% Polyphase components:
e0 = downsample(h1,N1);
e1 = downsample(h1,N1,1);
e2 = downsample(h1,N1,2);
e3 = downsample(h1,N1,3);
e4 = downsample(h1,N1,4);
e5 = downsample(h1,N1,5);
e6 = downsample(h1,N1,6);
e7 = downsample(h1,N1,7);
% Display the coefficients of polyphase components e0-e7
disp('Coefficients of the polyphase components')
disp(['e_0: ' num2str(e0')]);
disp(['e_1: ' num2str(e1')]);
disp(['e_2= ' num2str(e2')]);
disp(['e_3: ' num2str(e3')]);
disp(['e_4: ' num2str(e4')]);
disp(['e_5: ' num2str(e5')]);
disp(['e_6: ' num2str(e6')]);
disp(['e_7: ' num2str(e7')]);
Coefficients of the filter impulse tesponse
h_1: 1   4  10  20  31  40  44  40  31  20  10   4   1
Coefficients of the polyphase components
e_0: 1  31  31   1
e_1: 4  40  20
e_2: 10  44  10
e_3: 20  40   4
Coefficients of the filter impulse tesponse
h_1: 1   3   6  10  15  21  28  36  42  46  48  48  46  42  36  28  21  15  10   6   3   1
Coefficients of the polyphase components
e_0: 1  42  21
e_1: 3  46  15
e_2= 6  48  10
e_3: 10  48   6
e_4: 15  46   3
e_5: 21  42   1
e_6: 28  36
e_7: 36  28

Exercise 11.5

Modify MATLAB program of Example 11.4 to compute and plot the magnitude response for the following decimation filters:
 a)   Magnitude response of the modified sharpened CIC filter determined by: N = 32, N1 = 4, N2 = 8,
      K = 2, and L = 4.
 b)   Magnitude response of the original CIC filter with N = 32, and K = 2.
 c)   Magnitude response of the sharpened CIC filter (equations (11.22) and (11.23)) with N = 32,
      and K = 2.

clear all, close all
% Modified sharpened FIR filter
K = 2; N = 32; N1 = 4; N2 = 8; L = 4;           % Setting the design parameters
f = 0:0.001:1;                                  % Setting the frequency axis
omega = pi*f;                                   % Angular frequencies
H1 = (sin(omega*N/2)./sin(omega*N1/2))/N2;      % Amplitude response of the CIC filter H1(z)
H2 = (sin(omega*N1/2)./sin(omega/2))/N1;        % Amplitude response of the CIC filter H2(z)
H_sh_m = abs((3*H1.^(2*K) - 2*H1.^(3*K)).*(H2.^L)); % Magnitude response of the the modified sharpened filter
axis([0,1,-250,5]), grid,
hold on;
G = (sin(omega*N/2)./sin(omega/2))/N;           % Amplitude response of the original CIC filter
GK = G.^K;                                      % Computing the amplitude response of G(z).^K
H_sh = abs(3*G.^(2*K) - 2*G.^(3*K));            % Magnitude response of the original sharpened CIC filter
plot(f,20*log10(H_sh),'r'), xlabel('\omega/\pi'), ylabel('Gain, dB'),
title('Gain Responses');
hold on;
plot(f(1:21),20*log10(H_sh(1:21)),'g'), xlabel('\omega/\pi'), ylabel('Gain, dB'),
axis([0,0.02,-4,0.2]), grid;
title('Gain Responses: passband details');

Exercise 11.6

Using the procedure of Exercise 11.5, compute and plot the magnitude response for the following decimation filters:
 a)   Magnitude response of the modified sharpened CIC filter determined by: N = 32, N1 = 4, N2 = 8,
      K = 2, and L = 5.
 b)   Magnitude response of the original CIC filter with N = 32, and K = 2.
 c)   Magnitude response of the sharpened CIC filter (equations (11.20) and (11.21)) with N = 32,
      and K = 2.

clear all, close all
% Modified sharpened FIR filter
K = 2; N = 32; N1 = 8; N2 = 4; L = 5;           % Setting the design parameters
f = 0:0.001:1;                                  % Setting the frequency axis
omega = pi*f;                                   % Angular frequencies
H1 = (sin(omega*N/2)./sin(omega*N1/2))/N2;      % Amplitude response of the CIC filter H1(z)
H2 = (sin(omega*N1/2)./sin(omega/2))/N1;        % Amplitude response of the CIC filter H2(z)
H_sh_m = abs((3*H1.^(2*K)-2*H1.^(3*K)).*(H2.^L)); % Magnitude response of the modified sharpened filter
axis([0,1,-250,5]), grid,
hold on;
G = (sin(omega*N/2)./sin(omega/2))/N;           % Amplitude response of the original CIC filter
GK = G.^K;                                      % Computing the amplitude response of G(z).^K
H_sh = abs(3*G.^(2*K) - 2*G.^(3*K));            % Magnitude response of the original sharpened CIC filter
plot(f,20*log10(H_sh),'r'), xlabel('\omega/\pi'), ylabel('Gain, dB'),
title('Gain Responses');
hold on;
plot(f(1:21),20*log10(H_sh(1:21)),'g'), xlabel('\omega/\pi'), ylabel('Gain, dB'),
axis([0,0.02,-4,0.2]), grid,
title('Gain Responses: passband details');

Exercise 11.7

Display the magnitude response and pole-zero plot of the CIC filter GK(z) determined by N = 32 and K = 2.
Compose the CIC subfilters [H1(zN1)]K and [H2(z)]L of the modified sharpened filter as given in equations (11.27) and (11.28).
Compute and plot the magnitude responses and pole-zero plots of [H1(zN1)]K and [H2(z)]L for the parameters N = 32, N1 = 4, N2 = 8, K = 2, and L = 5.

clear all, close all
% Modified sharpened FIR filters
K = 2; N = 32; N1 = 4; N2 = 8; L = 5;           % Setting the design parameters
f = 0:0.001:1;                                  % Setting the frequency axis
omega = pi*f;                                   % Angular frequencies
G = (sin(omega*N/2)./sin(omega/2))/N;           % Amplitude response of the original CIC filter
G_K = G.^K;                                     % Computing the amplitude response of G(z).^K
H1 = (sin(omega*N/2)./sin(omega*N1/2))/N2;      % Amplitudee response of the CIC filter H1(z)
H1_K = H1.^K;
H2 = (sin(omega*N1/2)./sin(omega/2))/N1;        % Amplitude response of the CIC filter H2(z)
H2_L = H2.^L;
hold on,
axis([0,1,-200,5]), grid,
title('Gain Responses');
% Computing the pole-zero plot for G_K(z), H1_K, and H2_L
% Recursive representation of the CIC filter
% G_K(Z)=(1/N)*(1-z^(-N))/(1-z^-1)=(1/N)*B(z)/A(z), K=2
B = [1,zeros(1,N-1),-1];
B2 = conv(B,B);
A = [1,-1];
A2 = conv(A,A);
title('Pole-Zero Plot for G_K(z), N=32, K=2');
% Recursive representation of the filter H1_K, N=32, N1=4, N2=8, K=2
% H1_K(Z)=(1/N2)*(1-z^(-N))/(1-z^-N1)=(1/N2)*B(z)/A(z)
B = [1,zeros(1,N-1),-1];
B2 = conv(B,B);
A = [1,zeros(1,N1-1),-1];
A2 = conv(A,A);
title('Pole-Zero Plot for H1_K(z), N=32, N1=4, N2=8, K=2');
% Recursive representation of the filter H2_L, N=32, N1=4, N2=8, K=2
% H2_L(Z)=(1/N1)*(1-z^(-N1))/(1-z^-1)=(1/N1)*B(z)/A(z)
B = [1,zeros(1,N1-1),-1];
BL = conv(B,B); BL=conv(BL,BL); BL=conv(BL,B);
A = [1,-1];
AL = conv(A,A); AL=conv(AL,AL); AL=conv(AL,A);
title('Pole-Zero Plot for H2_L(z), N=32, N1=4, N2=8, L=5');