function [b,a,z,p,k] = halfbandiir(N,fp,varargin) % % HALFBANDIIR Halfband IIR filter design. % [B,A,Z,P,K] = HALFBANDIIR(N,Fp) designs a lowpass N-th order % halfband IIR filter with an equiripple characteristic. % % The filter order, N, must be selected such that N is an odd integer. % Fp determines the passband edge frequency that must satisfy % 0 < Fp < 1/2 where 1/2 corresponds to pi/2 [rad/sample]. % % [B,A,Z,P,K] = HALFBANDIIR('minorder',Fp,Dev) designs the minimum % order IIR filter, with passband edge Fp and ripple Dev. % Dev is a passband ripple that must satisfy 0 < Dev (linear) < 0.29289 % or stopband attenuation that must satisfy Dev (dB) > 3.1 % % The last three left-hand arguments are the zeros and poles returned in % length N column vectors Z and P, and the gain in scalar K. % % [B,A,Z,P,K] = HALFBANDIIR(...'high') returns a highpass halfband filter. % % EXAMPLE: Design a minimum order halfband filter with given max ripple % [b,a,z,p,k]=halfbandiir('minorder',.45,0.0001); % % Authors: Miroslav Lutovac and Ljiljana Milic % % % % Copyright (c) 2003 Miroslav Lutovac and Ljiljana Milic % $Revision: 2.1 $ $Date: 2003/04/02 12:22:33 $ % This file is part of EMF toolbox for MATLAB. % Refer to the file LICENSE.TXT for full details. % % EMF version 2.1, Copyright (c) 2003 M. Lutovac and Lj. Milic % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; see LICENSE.TXT for details. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, % MA 02111-1307 USA, error(nargchk(2,4,nargin)); [minOrderFlag,lowpassFlag,msg] = validateParseInput(N,fp,varargin{:}); error(msg); omegap = fp*pi; omegas = (1-fp)*pi; if minOrderFlag, if varargin{1} <1 deltap = varargin{1}; deltas = sqrt(deltap*(2-deltap)); Rp = -20*log10(1-deltap); Rs = -20*log10(deltas); else Rs = varargin{1}; deltas = 10^(-Rs/20); deltap = 1-sqrt(1-deltas^2); Rp = -20*log10(1-deltap); end N = estimateOrder(omegap,omegas,Rp,Rs); end if N < 3, N = 3; end fa = (1-fp)/2; x = 1/(tan(pi*fp/2))^2; if x >= sqrt(2) t = .5*(1-(1-1/x^2)^(1/4))/(1+(1-1/x^2)^(1/4)); q = t+2*t^5+15*t^9+150*t^13; else t = .5*(1-1/sqrt(x))/(1+1/sqrt(x)); qp = t+2*t^5+15*t^9+150*t^13; q = exp(pi^2/log(qp)); end L = (1/4)*sqrt(1/q^N-1); Rp = 10*log10(1+1/L); Rs = 10*log10(1+L); if N == 3 beta = nfp2beta(N,fp/2); p = [0;i*sqrt(beta);-i*sqrt(beta)]; z = [-1 (beta-1 + i*sqrt(3*beta^2 + 2*beta-1))/(2*beta) (beta-1 - i*sqrt(3*beta^2 + 2*beta-1))/(2*beta)]; k = beta/2; b = [beta 1 1 beta]/2; a = [1 0 beta 0]; elseif N == 5 [beta,zeroi,select] = nfp2beta(N,fp/2); k = 1/2; p = 0; z = -1; for ind = 2:2:N ind2 = ind/2; p = [p;i*sqrt(beta(ind2));-i*sqrt(beta(ind2))]; z = [z;(zeroi(ind2)^2-select+i*2*sqrt(select)*zeroi(ind2))/(select+zeroi(ind2)^2)]; z = [z;(zeroi(ind2)^2-select-i*2*sqrt(select)*zeroi(ind2))/(select+zeroi(ind2)^2)]; k = k*(1+beta(ind2))*(1+zeroi(ind2)^2/select)/4; end aOdd = 1; bOdd = 1; for ind = 1:2:length(beta) aOdd = conv(aOdd,[1 0 beta(ind)]); bOdd = conv(bOdd,[beta(ind) 0 1]); end aEven = 1; bEven = 1; for ind = 2:2:length(beta) aEven = conv(aEven,[1 0 beta(ind)]); bEven = conv(bEven,[beta(ind) 0 1]); end a = conv(conv(aOdd,aEven),[1 0]); b = (conv(conv(aOdd,bEven),[0 1]) + conv(conv(bOdd,aEven),[1 0]))/2; else % [z,p,k] = ellip(N,Rp,Rs,omegap/pi) % [b,a] = ellip(N,Rp,Rs,omegap/pi) [beta,zeroi,select] = nfp2beta(N,fp/2); k = 1/2; p = 0; z = -1; for ind = 2:2:N ind2 = ind/2; p = [p;i*sqrt(beta(ind2));-i*sqrt(beta(ind2))]; z = [z;(zeroi(ind2)^2-select+i*2*sqrt(select)*zeroi(ind2))/(select+zeroi(ind2)^2)]; z = [z;(zeroi(ind2)^2-select-i*2*sqrt(select)*zeroi(ind2))/(select+zeroi(ind2)^2)]; k = k*(1+beta(ind2))*(1+zeroi(ind2)^2/select)/4; end aOdd = 1; bOdd = 1; for ind = 1:2:length(beta) aOdd = conv(aOdd,[1 0 beta(ind)]); bOdd = conv(bOdd,[beta(ind) 0 1]); end aEven = 1; bEven = 1; for ind = 2:2:length(beta) aEven = conv(aEven,[1 0 beta(ind)]); bEven = conv(bEven,[beta(ind) 0 1]); end a = conv(conv(aOdd,aEven),[1 0]); b = (conv(conv(aOdd,bEven),[0 1]) + conv(conv(bOdd,aEven),[1 0]))/2; end if ~lowpassFlag, z = -z; b = b.*((-(ones(size(b)))).^(1:length(b))); end %------------------------------------------------------------- function N = estimateOrder(omegap,omegas,Rp,Rs) N = ellipord(omegap/pi,omegas/pi,Rp,Rs); N = adjustOrder(N); %------------------------------------------------------------- function N = adjustOrder(N) if (N+1) ~= 2*fix((N+1)/2), N = N + 1; end %------------------------------------------------------------- function [minOrderFlag,lowpassFlag,msg] = validateParseInput(N,fp,varargin) msg = ''; minOrderFlag = 0; lowpassFlag = 1; if nargin > 2 & ischar(varargin{end}), stringOpts = {'low','high'}; lpindx = strmatch(lower(varargin{end}),stringOpts); if ~isempty(lpindx) & lpindx == 2, lowpassFlag = 0; end end if ischar(N), ordindx = strmatch(lower(N),'minorder'); if ~isempty(ordindx), minOrderFlag = 1; if nargin < 3, msg = 'Passband ripple, Dev, must be specified for minimum order design.'; return end if ~isValidScalar(varargin{1}), msg = 'Passband ripple must be a scalar.'; return elseif varargin{1} <= 0 | ((varargin{1} >= 0.29289)&(varargin{1} <= 3.1)) , msg = ['Dev=' num2str(varargin{1}) ', it must be 03.1']; return end else msg = 'Specified unrecognized order.'; return end elseif ~isValidScalar(N), msg = 'Specified unrecognized order.'; return else if (N+1) ~= 2*fix((N+1)/2), msg = ['N=' num2str(N) ', order must be an odd integer.']; return end if nargin > 2 & ~ischar(varargin{1}), msg = 'Passband ripple, Dev, can be specified for minimum order design, only.'; return end end if length(fp) ~= 1, msg = ['Length of Fp = ' num2str(length(fp)) ', length must be 1.']; return else, if ~isValidScalar(fp), msg = 'Passband edge frequency must be a scalar, 0= 0.5, msg = ['Fp=' num2str(fp) ', passband edge frequency must satisfy 0 1, bol = 0; end %------------------------------------------------------------------------ function [beta,xx,a] = nfp2beta(n,fp) a = 1/tan(pi*fp)^2; for ind = 1:(n-1)/2 x = ellipj( ((2*ind-1)/n + 1)*ellipke(1/a^2), 1/a^2); b(ind) = ((a+x^2) - sqrt((1-x^2)*(a^2-x^2)) )/((a+x^2) + sqrt((1-x^2)*(a^2-x^2))); xx(ind) = x; end beta = sort(b); %------- [EOF] ----------------------------------------------------------