by Ljiljana Milic
Supplemental material for Chapter VIII:
8. Complementary Filter Pairs
8.1 FIR Complementary Filter Pairs
8.1.1 Delay-Complementary and Magnitude-Complementary FIR Filter Pair
Two filters and make the delay-complementary filter pair when satisfy where N is the filter length, an odd number.
The magnitude-complementary property is satisfied when and are designed to meet the following criteria: for Here, and are passband/stopband edge frequencies, is the crossover frequency and denotes minimal attenuation in the stopband. Example 8.1
Design magnitude-complementary and delay-complementary halfband FIR filter pair to meet the criteria defined above.
Filter order =18, the passband/stopband ripple , the crossover frequency . Solution:
Setting the input parameters
Nord = 18; delta = 0.04; fc = 0.5;
Step 1: Adjusting the ripple value
delp = delta/(2*(1 - delta));
Step 2: Design of the intermediate filter Elp(z)
elp = firceqrip(Nord,fc,[delp,delp]);
Step 3: Modifying the intermediate filter Elp(z)
Step 3: Modifying the intermediate filter Elp(z)
hlp(Nord/2 + 1) = hlp(Nord/2+1)+delta/2;%
Zero settings
Step 4: Complementary highpass filter
hhp(10) = 1; hhp = hhp - hlp;
Display impulse responses
stem((0:18),hlp), xlabel('n'),ylabel('h_L_P[n]')
title('Lowpass filter impulse response')
stem((0:18),hhp), xlabel('n'),ylabel('h_L_P[n]')
title('Highpass filter impulse response')
Display the pole-zero locations of lowpass filter
title('Zero-pole locations of lowpass filter')
Computing the magnitude responses
Displaying magnitude responses of the filter pair
xlabel('Normalized frequency \omega/\pi'),ylabel('Magnitude'),grid
title('Complementary filter pair')
disp('END OF EXAMPLE 8.1')
8.1.2 Power-Complementary FIR Filter Pairs
The power-complementary property is satisfied when the sum of squared magnitude responses of the lowpass and highpass filters of the pair is equal to unity for all frequencies, The power-complementary property is achieved when the filter magnitude responses meet the following criteria:
for Example 8.2
Design the power-complementary halfband FIR filter pair to meet the specifications given bellow:
Filter order , the passband/stopband ripple , the crossover frequency . Solution:
Setting the input papameters
Nord = 15; Nord = 2*Nord; delta = 0.1;
Adjusting the ripple value, Substep 1.1
dfir =(delta^2)/(2*(1 - (delta^2)));
Designing the intermediate filter Elp(z), Substep 1.2
elp = firceqrip(Nord,0.5,[dfir,dfir]);
Modifying the intermediate filter Elp(z), Substep 1.3
Modifying the intermediate filter Elp(z), Substep 1.3
eh(Nord/2+1) = eh(Nord/2 + 1) + (delta^2)/2;%
Generating the minimum-phase lowpass filter Hlp(z), Step 2
[hlp,ssp,iter] = minphase(eh(Nord/2 + 1:Nord+1));
Indexing the filter coefficients
Complementary highpass filter, Step 3
hhp = fliplr(hlp).*((-1).^n);
Displaying the results
stem((0:15),hlp), xlabel('n'),ylabel('h_L_P[n]')
title('Lowpass filter impulse response')
title('Highpass filter impulse response')
title('Lowpass filter, pole-zaro locations')
title('Highpass filter, pole-zaro locations')
xlabel('Normalized frequency \omega/\pi'),ylabel('Magnitude'),grid
title('Magnitude response of the complementary filter pair')
g(1)=axes('Position',[0.20 0.70 0.25 0.1]);
plot(f(1:222),(abs(Hlp(1:222)))), axis([0,0.45,0.99,1.002]),grid
g(2)=axes('Position',[0.62 0.70 0.25 0.1]);
plot(f(285:512),(abs(Hhp(285:512)))), axis([0.55,1,0.99,1.002]),grid
disp('END OF EXAMPLE 8.2')
8.2 IIR complementary filter pairs
8.2.1 Class I: Power-Complementary and All-Pass complementary Filter Pairs Implemented as a Parallel Connection of Two All-Pass Subfilters
The lowpass (highpass) filter transfer function is an odd order minimum-phase IIR transfer function whose magnitude response meets the following criteria for The implementation structure of the filter pair is based on the parallel connection of two all-pass subfilters and , Example 8.3
Setting the input parameters for lowpass filter
Lowpass halfband filter design
[b,a,z,p,k] = halfbandiir(N,fp);
Sorting the filter poles
Coefficients of allpass branches
beta0 = (abs(pabs(2)))^2; beta1=(abs(pabs(4)))^2;
Frequency response of [A0,f] = freqz([beta0,0,1],[1,0,beta0],512,2);
Frequency response of [A1,f] = freqz([0,beta1,0,1],[1,0,beta1],512,2);
Lowpass filter frequency response
Highpass filter frequency response
Displaying the magnitude response of the complementary filter pair
xlabel ('Normalized frequency \omega/\pi'),ylabel('Magnitude'), grid,
title('Complementary IIR filter pair [G_0(z),G_1(z)]')
g(1)=axes('Position',[0.24 0.70 0.25 0.1]);
plot(f(1:205),(abs(GLp(1:205)))), axis([0,0.4,0.9998,1.00002])
g(2)=axes('Position',[0.62 0.70 0.25 0.1]);
plot(f(307:512),(abs(GHp(307:512)))), axis([0.6,1,0.9998,1.00002])
disp('END OF EXAMPLE 8.3')
8.2.2 Class II: Power-Complementary Filter Pairs Implemented as a Tapped Cascaded Interconnection of Two Identical All-Pass Subfilters
The filter pair exhibits power-complementary property as defined for example 8.2. The solution for Class II filter pair is achieved with the aid of the following transfer functions: a) FIR prototype filter pair designed to provide passbans/stopband ripple and power-complementary property of the overall pair . b) IIR prototype filter pair designed to provide edge frequencies of the pair.
Example 8.4
Design the Class II power-complementary IIR filter pair to meet the following specifications: Minimal attenuation in the stopband . The edge frequencies of the filter pair are: and . Implementation structure of the Class II power-complementary IIR filter pair:
Functions firceqrip, minphase were used.
Design of the FIR prototype filter pair
dfir =(delta^2)/(2*(1-(delta^2)));
hl = firceqrip(Nord,0.5,[dfir,dfir]);
eh(Nord/2+1) = eh(Nord/2+1)+(delta^2)/2;
[alp,ssp,iter] = minphase(eh(Nord/2+1:Nord+1));
ahp = fliplr(alp).*((-1).^n);
stem((0:len),alp), xlabel('n'),ylabel('a_L[n]')
title('Impulse response of lowpass FIR filter')
title('Impulse response of highpass FIR filter')
xlabel('\omega/\pi'),xlabel('\theta/\pi'),ylabel('Gain [dB]'),grid
title('Gain responses of prototype FIR filter pair')
Design of the IIR prototype filter pair
beta = 0.545577589; % For explanation see pages 266-267 in the book.
[H0,f] = freqz(Ab0,Aa0,512,2);
[H1,f] = freqz(Ab1,Aa1,512,2);
xlabel('\omega/\pi'),ylabel('Gain [dB]')
title('Gain responses of prototype IIR filter pair')
Lattice coefficients of the 5th order minimum phase halfband FIR filter
disp([sprintf(' lattice coefficient k1 = %15.9f', k1)])
lattice coefficient k1 = 2.382963175
disp([sprintf(' lattice coefficient k3 = %15.9f', k3)])
lattice coefficient k3 = -0.541364466
disp([sprintf(' lattice coefficient k5 = %15.9f', k5)])
lattice coefficient k5 = 0.108528870
Coefficients of allpass branches
Computing and plotting the gain response of the overall filter pair x1=filter(Q,P,u)-k1*filter(v1,1,u);
plot(w/(pi),20*log10(abs(H1))-dop,'b'), grid
xlabel('\omega/\pi'),ylabel('Gain [dB]')
title('Complementary filter pair [H_0(z),H_1(z)], gain response')
disp('Specifications are met with two very low order filters.')
Specifications are met with two very low order filters.
disp('END OF EXAMPLE 8.4')
function [y,ssp,iter]=minphase(h);
% Reproduced with permission of IEEE from: IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory
% and Applications-I: 50(3), 365-375.
y=[1 zeros(1,length(h)-1)];