by Ljiljana Milic
Supplemental material for Chapter II:
2. Basics of Multirate Systems
2.1 Frequency-Domain Characterisation of Down-Sampling
Factor-of-M downsampler
Downsampler's response
to the input sequence
: The input-output relations for downsampler in Z-transform:
. Relation between the discrete-time Fourir transform of the original signal and the discrete-time Fourier transfor of the downsampled signal:
Example 2.1
This example illustrates the effects of down-sampling in the frequency domain. A signal with triangular shaped spectrum is examined for down-sampling factors M = 2, 3, and 4.
Generating the original signal x
F = [0,0.1,0.46,1]; A=[0,1,0,0]; % Setting the input parameters for fir2
x = fir2(256,F,A); % Generating the original signal 'x'
X = fft(x,1024); % Computing the spectrum of the original signal
f = 0:1/512:(512-1)/512; % Normalized frequencies
title('Spectrum of the original signal')
M = 2; % Down-sampling factor
y2 = x(1:M:256); % Down-sampling
Y2 = fft(y2,1024); % Computing the spectrum of the down-sampled signal
text(0.6,0.35,'downsampled, M=2')
title('Spectrum of down-sampled signal, M=2')
M = 3; % Down-sampling factor
y3 = x(1:M:256); % Down-sampling
Y3 = fft(y3,1024); % Computing the spectrum of the down-sampled signal
text(0.5,0.3,'downsampled, M=3')
title('Effect of aliasing, M=3')
M = 4; % Down-sampling factor
y4=x(1:M:256); % Down-sampling
Y4 = fft(y4,1024); % Computing the spectrum of the down-sampled signal
text(0.5,0.2,'downsampled, M=4')
title('Effect of aliasing, M=4')
disp('END OF EXAMPLE 2.1')
2.2 Frequency-Domain Characterisation of Up-Sampling
Factor-of-L upsampler
The input-output relation of the factor-of-L upsampler:
The z-transform of the signal at the output of the factor-of-L upsampler is given by:
Example 2.2
In this example, we apply the up-sampling with factors L = 2, L = 3,and L = 4 to the original signal x whose spectrum is of the triangular shape.
Generating the input signal
F = [0,0.2,0.9,1]; A = [0,1,0,0]; % Setting the input parameters for fir2
x = fir2(128,F,A); % Generating the original signal ‘x’
X = fft(x,1024); % Computing the spectrum of the original signal
f = 0:1/512:(512-1)/512; % Normalized frequencies
title('Spectrum of the original signal')
L = 2; % Up-sampling factor
y2 = zeros(1,L*length(x));
y2([1:L:length(y2)]) = x; % Up-sampled signal, L=2
Y2 = fft(y2,1024); % Computing the spectrum of the up-sampled signal
title('Spectrum of the upsampled signal')
L = 3; % Up-sampling factor
y3 = zeros(1,L*length(x));
y3([1:L:length(y3)]) = x; % Up-sampled signal, L=3
Y3 = fft(y3,1024); % Computing the spectrum of the up-sampled signal
title('Spectrum of the upsampled signal')
L = 4; % Up-sampling factor
y4 = zeros(1,L*length(x));
y4([1:L:length(y4)]) = x; % up-sampled signal, L=4
Y4 = fft(y4,1024); % Computing the spectrum of the up-sampled signal
ylabel('|(Y_4(e^j^\omega)|'), xlabel('\omega/\pi')
title('Spectrum of the upsampled signal')
disp('END OF EXAMPLE 2.2')
2.3 Spectrum of Decimated Signal
Block diagram of a decimator: lowpass filter H(z) and factor-of M downsampler
The role of H(z) is to bandlimit the spectrum of the original signal to
. Example 2.3
On the example of a triangular-shaped spectrum, we show and compare the effects of decimation with that produced by downsampling.
Generating the original signal x
Setting the input parameters for fir2
F =[0,0.1,0.46,1]; A = [0,1,0,0];
x2 = 0.01*cos(2*pi*0.35*(0:256)); % Generating the signal components
Original signal
Computing the spectrum of the original signal
f = 0:1/512:(512-1)/512; % Normalized frequencies
title('Spectrum of the original signal')
Down-sampled signal
M = 2; % Down-sampling factor
y = x(1:M:256); % Down-sampling
Y = fft(y,1024); % Computing the spectrum of the down-sampled signal
text(0.65,0.5,'downsampled M=2')
title('Spectrum of the downsampled signal')
Decimation by making use of the the MATLAB function decimate
yd = decimate(x,M); % Decimated signal
Yd = fft(yd,1024); % Computing the spectrum of the decimated signal
text(0.6,0.3,'decimated, M=2')
title('Spectrum of the interolated signal')
disp('END OF EXAMPLE 2.3')
2.4 Spectrum of Interpolated Signal
Block diagram of an interpolator: A factor-of M upsampler and a lowpass filter H(z).
The role of H(z) is to bandlimit the spectrum of the upsampled signal to
, and thus eliminate unwanted spectra produced by upsampling. Example 2.4
On the example of a triangular-shaped spectrum, we show and compare the effects of interpolation with that produced by upsampling.
Generation of the original signal x
Setting the parameters for fir2
F = [0,0.2,0.9,1]; A = [0,1,0,0]; % Setting the input parameters for fir2
x = fir2(128,F,A); % Generating the original signal ‘x’
X = fft(x,1024); % Computing the spectrum of the original signal
f = 0:1/512:(512-1)/512; % Normalized frequencies
title('Spectrum of the original signal')
L = 4; % Up-sampling factor
xu = zeros(1,L*length(x));
xu([1:L:length(xu)]) = x; % Up-sampled signal
Xu = fft(xu,1024); % Computing the spectrum of the up-sampled signal
text(0.62,0.8,'upsampled L=4')
title('Spectrum of the upsampled signal')
Interpolation by making use of the the MATLAB function interp
y = interp(x,L); % Interpolated signal
Y = fft(y,1024); % Computing the spectrum of the up-sampled signal
ylabel('|(Y(e^j^\omega)|'), xlabel('\omega/\pi'),
text(0.5,2,'interpolated L=4')
title('Spectrum of the interpolated signal')
Time-domain presentation
subplot(3,1,1), stem(54:74,x(55:75))
title('Time Domain Prezentation')
text(270,0.33,'upsampled L=4')
ylabel('y[m]'), xlabel('Time index')
text(270,0.33,'interpolated L=4')
disp('END OF EXAMPLE 2.4')
2.5 The Six Identities
First identity
Second identity
Third Indentity
Example 2.5
Illustration of the Third Identity
x = cos(2*pi*0.05*n); % Generating the original signal
h = fir1(10,0.5); % Designing the filter transfer function H(z)
hu = upsample(h,4); % Transfer function H(z^4)
y1 = filter(hu,1,x); % Filtering
y = downsample(y1,4); % Down-sampling
m = 0:length(y)-1; % Time index
subplot(3,2,1), stem(n,x), ylabel('x[n]')
title('Figure (a): x[n],y_1[n],y[m]')
subplot(3,2,3), stem(n,y1), ylabel('y_1[n]')
subplot(3,2,5), stem(m,y), ylabel('y[m]')
y2 = downsample(x,4); % down-sampling
y = filter(h,1,y2); % filtering
subplot(3,2,2), stem(n,x),ylabel('x[n]')
title('Figure (b): x[n],y_2[m],y[m]')
subplot(3,2,4), stem(m,y2), ylabel('y_2[m]')
subplot(3,2,6), stem(m,y),ylabel('y[m]')
disp('The third identity verified')
The third identity verified
disp('END OF EAMPLE 2.5')
Fourth Identity
Fifth Identity
Sixth Identity
Example 2.6
Illustration of the Sixth Identity
x = cos(2*pi*0.1*n); % Generating the original signal
h = fir1(10,0.5); % Designing the filter transfer function H(z)
hu = upsample(h,2); % Transfer function H(z^2)
y1 = filter(h,1,x); % Filtering
y = upsample(y1,2); % Up-sampling
m = 0:length(y)-1; % Time index
subplot(3,2,1), stem(n,x), ylabel('x[n]')
title('Figure (a): x[n],y_1[n],y[m]')
subplot(3,2,3), stem(n,y1),ylabel('y_1[n]')
subplot(3,2,5), stem(m,y), ylabel ('y[m]')
y2 = upsample(x,2); % Up-sampling
y = filter(hu,1,y2); % Filtering
subplot(3,2,2), stem(n,x), ylabel('x[n]')
title('Figure (b): x[n],y_2[m],y[m]')
subplot(3,2,4), stem(m,y2), ylabel('y_2[m]')
subplot(3,2,6), stem(m,y), ylabel('y[m]')
disp('The sixth identity verified')
The sixth identity verified
disp('END OF EXAMPLE 2.6')
2.6 Cascading Sampling-Rate Alteration Devices
The two structures shown in the upper Figure are equivalent under the condition that M and L are relativly prime integers.
We verify the above statement on the example of sampling-rate conversion with the rational factor L/M = 2/3.
Example 2.7
Converting the sampling rate by the rational factor L/M=2/3
L = 2; M = 3; % Up-sampling and down-sampling factors
x = cos(2*pi*0.1*n); % Generating the original signal
v1 = upsample(x,L); % Up-sampling
y = downsample(v1,M); % Down-sampling
r = 0:length(v1)-1; % Time index
m = 0:length(y)-1; % Time index
subplot(3,2,1), stem(n,x), ylabel('x[n]')
title('Figure (a): x[n],v_1[r],y[m]')
subplot(3,2,3), stem(r,v1), ylabel('v_1[r]')
subplot(3,2,5), stem(m,y), ylabel('y[m]')
v2 = downsample(x,M); % Down-sampling
r = 0:length(v2)-1; % Time index
y = upsample(v2,L); % Up-sampling
m = 0:length(y)-1; % Time index
subplot(3,2,2), stem(n,x), ylabel('x[n]')
title('Figure (b): x[n],v_2[r],y[m]')
subplot(3,2,4), stem(r,v2), ylabel('v_2[r]')
subplot(3,2,6), stem(m,y), ylabel('y[m]')
disp(['Equivalence satisfied since L and M are relativly prime.'])
Equivalence satisfied since L and M are relativly prime.
disp('END OF EXAMPLE 2.7')
2.7 Sampling-Rate Conversion with the Phase Offset
Sampling process can include some phase offset of k samples, i.e., the starting point could be other than zero.Including the phase offset into the down-sampling opperation, we obtain M different signals
where for k = 0, the resulting signal
is the down-sampled signal without the phase offset. Each value of k defines a new signal. In the next example, we demonstrate the effects of the phase offset to the spectrum of the decimated signal. We show that when the spectrum of the original signal is bandlimitted to
, there is no aliasing in the signals produced by M-fold decimation. However, when the spectrum of the original signal exceeds this limit, down-sampling opperation produces the aliasing. Example 2.8
Down-sampling with the phase offset: frequency domain analysis.
Generating the original signal x
F = [0,0.1,0.46,1]; A = [0,1,0,0]; % Setting the input parameters for fir2
x = fir2(256,F,A); % Generating the original signal 'x'
X = fft(x,1024); % Computing the signal spectrum
f = 0:1/512:(512-1)/512; % Normalizad frequencies
subplot(3,2,1), plot(f,abs(X(1:512))), text(0.8,0.7,'(a)')
ylabel('|X(e^{j\omega})|'), axis([0,1,0,1])
Down-sampling by 2
M = 2; % Down-sampling factor
y0 = downsample(x,M); % down-sampling without phase offset
Y0 = fft(y0,1024); % Computing the signal spectrum
subplot(3,2,3), plot(f,abs(Y0(1:512))), text(0.8,0.7,'(b)')
ylabel('|Y_0(e^{j\omega})|'), axis([0,1,0,1])
y1 = downsample(x,M,1); % Down-sampling with the phase offset
Y1 = fft(y1,1024); % Computing the signal spectrum
subplot(3,2,5), plot(f,abs(Y1(1:512))), text(0.8,0.7,'(c)')
ylabel('|Y_1(e^{j\omega})|'), xlabel('\omega/\pi'), axis([0,1,0,1])
Generating the new original signal
F = [0,0.1,0.7,1]; A = [0,1,0,0]; % Setting the input parameters for fir2
v = fir2(256,F,A); % Generating the input signal 'v'
V = fft(v,1024); % Computing the signal spectrum
f = 0:1/512:(512-1)/512; % Normalized frequencies
subplot(3,2,2), plot(f,abs(V(1:512))), text(0.8,0.7,'(d)')
ylabel('|V(e^{j\omega})|'), axis([0,1,0,1])
Down-sampling by two
w0=downsample(v,M); % Down-sampling without phase offset
W0=fft(w0,1024); % Computing the signal spectrum
subplot(3,2,4), plot(f,abs(W0(1:512))), text(0.8,0.7,'(e)')
ylabel('|W_0(e^{j\omega})|'), axis([0,1,0,1])
w1 = downsample(v,M,1); % Down-sampling with the phase offset
W1=fft(w1,1024); % Computing the signal spectrum
subplot(3,2,6), plot(f,abs(W1(1:512))), text(0.8,0.7,'(f)')
ylabel('|W_1(e^{j\omega})|'), xlabel(' \omega/\pi'), axis([0,1,0,1])
disp('END OF EXAMPLE 2.8')
Comment: The plots demonstrate that the magnitude spectrum of the down sampled signal is independent of the phase offset when the frequency band of the original signal is properly bandlimited to
, see Figs. (a), (b) and (c). On the contrary, the right-hand side shows different spectra of the downsampled signals for k = 0 (Fig. (e)) and k=1 (Fig. (f)). Evidently, the ftequency band of the original signal that exceeds
, Fig. (d) results in different magnitude spectra of the down-sampled signals. 2. 8 Polyphase Decomposition and Reconstruction
This example performs polyphase decomposition of the signal x od the length L = 64 in four polyphase components x0, x1, x2, x3, and reconstruction of the the original signal from the polyphase components x0, x1, x2, x3.
- Polyphase components x0, x1, x2, x3 are obtained by down-sampling the original signal x with the phase offset.
- In the process of signal reconstruction, up-sampling with the phase offset over x0, x1, x2, x3 is used.
Example 2.9
Input signal
x = zeros(size(n)); x(11:39) = 0.95.^(1:29); % Generating the sequence ‘x’
Polyphase down-sampling with the phase offset
Up-sampling polyphase components with the phase offset
subplot (4,1,1), stem(0:length(x0)-1,x0),ylabel('x_0[m]')
title('Polyphase komponents')
subplot (4,1,2), stem(0:length(x1)-1,x1),ylabel('x_1[m]')
subplot (4,1,3), stem(0:length(x2)-1,x2),ylabel('x_2[m]')
subplot (4,1,4), stem(0:length(x3)-1,x3),ylabel('x_3[m]')
Signal reconstruction
y = y0 + y1 + y2 + y3; % Adding together up-sampled polyphase components
subplot(2,1,1),stem(n,x), ylabel('x[n]'), axis([0,63,0,1])
subplot(2,1,2),stem(n,y), ylabel('y[n]'), axis([0,63,0,1])
title('Reconstructed signal')
disp('END OF EXAMPLE 2.9')
2.9 Multistage Systems
Equivalent frequency response of multistage decimator.
When decimation factor M can be factored into K integers
, instead of using a single filter and factor-of-M down-sampler the overall decimator can be implemented as a cascade of K decimators as shown bellow. The transfer function
of the equivalent single-stage decimation filter can be obtained by applying the third identity to the above implementation scheme: Example 2.10
This program computes the equivalent frequency response of the example three-stage factor-of-8 decimator.
h1 = fir1(30,0.5); % FIR filter H1(z)
[H1,f] = freqz(h1,1,512,2);
subplot(4,1,1), plot(f,abs(H1)), ylabel('|H_1(e^{j\omega})|')
h2 = zeros(1,M*length(h1));
h2([1:M:length(h2)]) = h1; % H2(z) = H1(z^2)
[H2,f] = freqz(h2,1,512,2);
subplot(4,1,2), plot(f,abs(H2)), ylabel('|H_1(e^{j2\omega})|')
h3 = zeros(1,M*length(h1));
h3([1:M:length(h3)]) = h1; % H3(z) = H1(z^4)
[H3,f] = freqz(h3,1,512,2);
subplot(4,1,3), plot(f,abs(H3)), ylabel('|H_1(e^{j4\omega})|')
H = H1.*H2.*H3; % Equivalent filter
subplot(4,1,4), plot(f,abs(H)),ylabel('|(H(e^{j\omega})|')
xlabel('\omega/\pi'), axis([0,1,0,1.2])
disp('END OF EXAMPLE 2.10')